Try to observe more

Observe more can be partially understood by “experience more” or “challenge more”.But observing more is more fundamental level that everyone can easily do just by using your own eyes and then try to remember that. But sometimes, to remember something through observing can be automatically done by your brain if the scenes you observe are intriguing that somewhat tantalize your curiosity, which is totally not a difficult thing to do.

Observing can be divided into bunch of small branches, which means that you can observe more areas. For me, I like to observe people’s behaviors, such as facial expressions, gestures, movements, the words they talk about, etc. So that could be one of the reasons why I don’t like to talk too much. It does not mean that I am poor at communicating with others but don’t have desire to talk. I prefer listening when interacting in a group and furtively observe their any behavior. Through those behaviors, I can generally read what the exact characteristics of them and try to find something I can learn positively and negatively which is kind of self-fulfilling to me that I want to be a real mature man.

Another kind of observation is to witness the beauty around you. Beauty is not limited just by the real substance, but also includes the values and benefits of one real or abstract stuff. Finding one well-known saying really helpful to me is also counted as my beauty because it really influences me in a positive way. Just like the classes we take, trying to observe more on other non-profit organizations even you don’t follow at all. You will absolutely find something new and different that can enlarge your view of the basic knowledge we have learned in our class, and then we are enable to apply those to our own daily life to make us be stronger.

So don’t let your eyes stare at the screen all the time without any rest. Try to change the angle of view and find more valuable things around you. You have to cultivate your eyes to be acute enough to quickly catch up things, which is also a kind of relax. So observe more, experience more, challenge more, even though you will find it hard, you will ultimately find what you want.

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